Friday, June 22, 2012

My Pre-Europe To Do List

I have to write this out so I won't forget what I need to do!!

1. Go to AAA and buy some Euros!
2. Buy a new charger for my Tablet =(
3. Pack my bags!!! Then repack so I can fit everything and figure out what clothes to bring :/
4. Look up some French and Spanish words! Oy Vey!
5. Waterproof my Toms
6. Buy the text messaging phone plan
7. Write out addresses for Ponts Des Arts Bridge in Paris and the World Pride Parade in London
8. Photocopy my passport!!
9. Stop spazzing.
10. Continue to research places to go


  1. Wow Maggie, you have a summer full of adventures! What great opportunity! Have a fabulous time. Do everything that I would and would not do! Enjoy and be safe.

    Tiffany Wallace

    1. HAHA!!! Oh I certaintly will! =) To ALL of the above! So excited! THANKS- You're my girl!

  2. Well you finished everything on that list, we made it to pick up your travel iron and got to the airport on time! We even manage to get your bag packed under 50 pounds! The amazing airline attendant was able to get you a seat on your flight to Dublin (an Exit window seat even!). You flew out of Cleveland and into New Jersey without issue. Had encounters with interesting people in Newark. But that's to be expected! Lol. Decided you had to have GREEN Pants from all the people you saw wearing them. Left New Jersey on time and I wait to hear from you tomorrow morning stating you made it there without issues! Just thought I would help you remember your take off! I love you, will miss you and wish you much fun and excitement on your adventure! Be safe and take good care of yourself for me. Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

    1. Haha!! Awhhh well thank you!!!!!! I love you and wish you were here.. I forgot to tell you about the guy that was talking to me "joking" about how he has been on so many flights he knows how to smuggle drugs. I'm like ooooookay. He said the things he use to do in his day.. I was like ohhhh so you're the reason things are so restricted for our generation hah! He went to Tokyo.. second person I've met in two days! The nice guy which helped me locate my hotel was from Tokyo too!! Instill want colored pants... the tour guide said tthe ccheapest shopping is in Barcelona and London soo yay!! Even purses ;)

  3. Sweet I'm gonna get my purse! Remember American express baby! Lol oh by the way daddy wants green pants too! Lol. Just kidding could you imagine him warring them? Hahaha.

    I knew you would meet nice people and that everyone would love you too!
